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Emotions: Release Some Tension

Writer: The Quis BoxThe Quis Box

In contrast to the times, when people like to open up, and share their feelings with others, there are times when people prefer to hide their feelings and keep others from knowing how they really feel, for rather moral or personal reasons, such as: not wanting to hurt others, being uncomfortable with expressing themselves, and not wanting other people feeling sorry for them, when viewing or being aware of their emotional state. One of the biggest reasons is that people are often afraid of the consequences. They don't want to be vulnerable, and prefer not sharing their intimate details about one self with others. Almost everyone experience feelings of being hurt, humiliated, threatened, angry, sad or used, at some point of their lives. When people prefer not to express themselves, they put on a fake smile, and hide their true feeling, when sense that they are being viewed.

Often people start having tendency to hide their feelings, when it comes to concern of other people's feelings. Obviously, in order for people to be liked, and bring out a good impression, they will want to avoid the state of hurting others, and also prevent any unpleasant situations. Almost everyone has been in situations, when they were invited for a dinner by their friends or relatives. People usually tend to prefer food that is familiar rather than exotic; and even if the food that the relative or a friend prepared, did not seem very tasty, people would not usually admit it, but instead in order not to hurt the person's feelings, people would want to be polite, thank the person, and tell that the dinner was wonderful, even though that is not how they really felt about it.

All of us can feel happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise or anger at some time but what all these words mean? They are so-called six basic emotions and are specific reactions to particular events related to biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences. There are more than a half of thousand different words in English that can describe every emotion and we have over that 40 muscles in our face to express them.

We feel emotions by our brain and it is really difficult for scientists to give a single accurate definition for this process. However, experts say that emotions are our mental state along with facial expressions, actions or physical changes. They are related to our mood, but differ from it, as they are short lived feelings with a clear object and mood is a more general feeling and lasts longer. For example, one can be happy about something or angry with somebody this is his emotion. But another one can have a general feeling of pleasure, anxiety or sadness this is his mood.

It is easy for us to feel emotions but it is quite complicated to study them. According to many researches in this field, emotions have components of two types: physical and mental and consist of body responses, expressive behavior and subjective feelings. An extremely important aspect of self-disclosure is the sharing of feelings. We all experience feelings such as happiness at an unexpected gift, sadness about the breakup of a relationship, or anger when we believe we have been taken advantage of. The question is whether to disclose such feelings, and if so, how. Self-disclosure of feelings usually will be most successful not when feelings are withheld or displayed but when they are described.

Expressing feelings, dealing with problems, and moving on can be a difficult challenge. This is particularly true in high stress environments. Aside from general responsibilities, this is further aggravated by the downsizing, restructuring, and multi-tasking that is occurring in many of today's businesses. The occasional expression of emotional behavior is not necessarily a negative thing except when it becomes so amplified or recurs so often that it prevents people from dealing rationally and productively with those around them. An expression of emotion may be an important cue that something is interfering with an employee's ability to work effectively. One cannot always control what happens but one can learn to interpret and manage feelings productively.

Emotions are categorized, celebrated, repressed, adored, ignored, and medicated - but rarely, if ever, are they honored. Rarely, if ever, are they seen, as energies in their own right. Emotions are not simply functions of brain chemistry. They are vital flowing forces that can help us communicate with others if used effectively. I am very emotional person so I can relate thoroughly with the problem of expressing emotions. Often in the work force you are expected to leave all your emotions at home and come prepared to do a task but how can one work without emotions

Emotions play a role in how parties make sense of their relationships, degree of power, and social status. People constantly evaluate situations and events to feel out if they are personally relevant. These understandings and appraisals are infused with various emotions and feelings. Thus, emotion not only serves a side effect of conflict, but also frames the way in which parties understand and define their dispute.

Get inside your brain…Whenever mind images form in your mind, you wonder something somewhere in your body? But most of the time you are just could not point out where exactly it is. So, when you are alert of your thinking and images, and before you start to feel the sensation, deform the pictures and the voices inside your head. How? Play around mentally and watch what you are doing inside. Your focal point is preoccupied. Your feeling will alter. Your brain can do so many wonderful things. You can also have fun creating various images and sounds by repeating something over and over again in your head.

Watch close your language…Your emotions are affected when you say something to yourself. Words may express your sensation. And how you name it will affect your response. Keep away from careless language. Pick your words attentively when you talk to yourself. Avoid telling the things that you refuse to feel. Constant usage of negative words make you feel inadequate and defeated.

Embrace changes…When a calamity that causes grief engulf you, take action to overcome it. Don't allow your emotion of sadness to extend over a long period. Get busy. Always be sure your actions at any given moment as well as your body and motions under control all time. Activities ignite your senses. Treasure happiness outside there. You can improve state of mind through humor and laughter. Laughter is always the best medicine. Feeling and actions are interdependent; could influence one another.

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